As much as this world loves to give accolades for solo accomplishment, the truth is that no lone individual has done anything of great value. The belief that one person can do anything great alone is born of a lofty ego.
Even the Lone Ranger had Tonto!
Wyatt Earp had Doc Holliday
Popeye had Olive Oil!
And we could go on and on! Even Jesus had a team of disciples, and each of those disciples had a team!
Paul had Silas, Mary had Martha, Esther had Ruth….and so the story of team effort goes.
All seemingly solo acts are works of greatly orchestrated team efforts.
Michael Phelps; every time he won another medal he gave his TEAM the credit!
Einstein once remarked, ‘Many times a day I realize how much my own outer and inner life is built upon the labors of my fellow men, both living and dead and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I have received.”
In other words all his accomplishments were results of diligent work of trying to give credit and honor to the labors of those helping him and to those who had paved the way before him!
The team effort in this church has reached a level to where we are all on the same page, in one mind and in one accord, following one man’s vision, and acting upon how we felt the Lord would have us carry out that vision. The Leaders here tonight that I will recognize are great motivators and carriers of Pastor Stanley’s vision for this church. And their efforts are bringing about real countable results!
1. Sis. Shirlane Grant - Along with Bro. Shane, she is involved in many levels of this church, including the Choir and Praise team, the Children’s Ministry at times, Sunday School Teacher, College and Career Ministry as well as being an integral part of the New Convert Care team. And of course she is the Director of the Altar Care Ministry. I have observed her and admired her great composure, careful planning and genuine anointing. Everything she does is with CLASS!
As Altar Care Director, she is responsible to equip, and motivate a team of altar workers who are dedicated, faithful, prayer warriors and who diligently make it to every guest who finds their way to an altar of repentance, and guide them into all the steps necessary to experience salvation. Not only to our visitors do they give the necessary attention, but they are great examples of lifting the saints as well when it seems one might need help in prayer for a breakthrough. Sis. Shirlane does a wonderful job leading and mentoring this group, and I have always found her to be committed to excellence.
2. Bro. Tim Hardin – Along with Sis Robin he is director of the Greeters or Host/Hostess Ministry Team. He is responsible for a team who sets the stage for our first impression every single service. And I must say there is no better person for the job! He is always willing to do whatever is asked of him, and if he has a fault it would be that he does not say “no” well and is always eager to be a part of everything going on around here. He is the ultimate Greeter, and is steadfast in always working to keep his team fresh and “on stage”! His is not an easy task, as he must weed through all the many emotions that enter the doors and sometimes with a kind word or deed rearrange the frowns on our faces to smiles as we come to worship! He is very easy to work with and always open for suggestions. We cannot do without Bro. Tim and his team of greeters!
3. Last but certainly not least is Sis. Beckord! She is someone I really seldom carry on great lengthy conversations with, but someone who I lean on and draw strength from more than she realizes! As a mother nurtures the infant, she is responsible to nurture and bring to full growth the new convert. She is diligent, dedicated, faithful to a fault, extremely dependable, and a vital part of the growth of new life here at "New Life"! She is a great encourager, and I love her dearly. One of the great things I admire in her is a genuine love and respect for her Pastor and First Lady. Her team is behind her 100% and work tirelessly for her. She is one of the GREAT leaders who can with a team, get the business done!
At this point we gave out Certificates and Awards and each team awarded a Team Member of the Year. First from the Altar Care department the Team Member of the Year went to Sis. Earline Matthews. Next from the New Convert Care Team, Sis. Patricia Whyne and I am so happy to announce that the Team Member of the Year for the Host/Greeters Team went to the great and wonderful....(drumroll....) DAN MAXWELL!
He was so surprised and happy to be recognized as were each of the recipients. It was such a great night and well planned and executed. I am sure it will become an annual event. I would encourage every Team Leader to recognize those who help you or fill in for you as much as is possible. I have learned that a public showing of gratitude is very necessary to keep people feeling respected and appreciated.
I firmly believe in showing three ways of appreciation for each person who helps me out in any capacity. 1. Tell them they are appreciated often 2. Send them a handwritten card of "Thanks" 3. Publicly thank them and tell others of your appreciation. You will find that when you follow these three simple steps, people will do just about whatever is asked of them at any time because they know they are not taken for granted.
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