James 4:8
Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you.
I own an Apple iPad and iPhone and thanks to iCloud I can share information between them when they are synced! Any time the two devices are together that I have Internet access, they automatically sync. It is phenomenal! I don't have to do a thing more than just get them together and there all my information is on both devices. If we walk close to God and have kept our lines of communication open, then our relationship with God should work the same way. We should automatically sync. If not, something is broken. I recently purchased a fitbit electronic tracking device which would automatically sync all my exercise information whenever I was near the hub which connected to my computer. However, I left it connected to my shirt one fine day, and washed and dried it. ;( It is now a perfectly clean device that is completely useless. Complete fail! In my walk with God I must be vigilant and pay better attention to detail! Thankfully God keeps me on track with gentle reminders as needed! (which is often!)Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you.
Hebrews 10:22
Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith.
If we are in sync with Christ, then we can be assured that He will keep that which concerns us. In other words, He will take care of us and all that concerns us without us having to do anything more than keep our faith turned on! In other words, trust in Him with all our heart, for His way is perfect. He will perfect that which concerns us. So why do we worry and fret? Most likely because things are not going our way! His ways are not our ways, neither are His thoughts our thoughts. We must be in sync with Him so that when His ways differ from ours, we trust Him enough to go in HIS direction. Usually that means... wait!... Don't go anywhere! And that goes against everything we want to do. One thing I learned early on regarding my Apple devices is that I must enable my syncing option on both devices. From a spiritual aspect, God's syncing is always ready to go, It is on my end that I must keep it enabled. I can very easily walk "out of range" and get off track very quickly. I must keep myself abiding in Him and He will automatically abide in me. (John 15:7) It is very simple to remain in sync with Christ if I remain alert and continually reaching after Him. I must stay under submission to His will. I must continually seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
I find when I walk in HIS ways, when I stay in sync with Him, I feel completely secure! It is when I get out of range and have been drawn away that I begin to fear the unknown. The great "Unknown" never bothers me when I am close to Him, when I am perfectly synced with Him!
Lord I want to be synchronized with you. I want to walk hand in hand with you, and do exactly as you would have me do. I want to be in perfect timing with you. I want my will and ways to be deleted as you infuse me with the information that YOU have deemed your will for my life. I want to be continually synced to YOUR plan of action for my life.
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