Friday, December 11, 2009



Today as in long ago we wait for the Lord. We await His direction. We await His healing, we await miracles, we await His Soon Return. We wait for Him. Sometimes it seems as though He will never show up. What we often forget in times of waiting is that God is already right there on the scene. We just have to trust.
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
They shall mount up with wings as eagles.
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
Teach me Lord, teach me Lord, to wait.
Whenever we are asked to wait we often have an ungodly response. These are the days of speed dial, microwave, texting all giving us immediate gratification. Therefore when God causes us to wait, we become impatient, full of strife, bitter and disobedient. We must not categorize the workings of God into the world of speed which we now live. If we try to do so, He will not fit, and our mind will become disillusioned to the supernatural power and will of God. Waiting on the Lord is an act of obedience. God commands us to wait upon Him. Contrary to popular opinion, waiting is not an act of irresponsibility. It is meeting a requirement of the Word of God. To wait patiently upon God requires us to have a trusting heart and patience in the works of His hands. He does not work on our time frame, nor will He be manipulated into releasing a blessing unto us sooner than He is ready to give. He will not bend or bow to our will or circumstances. He works in His timing and in His readiness. To wait upon Him faithfully requires confident humility. The time of waiting when we feel He is not working fast enough can be brutal if we spend it in bitter frustration. We are living in the moments of fear and loss, feeling the pain of eminent destruction and until we yield to His hand and accept His will and let Him be in control we will never experience that peace which passeth all understanding which He so readily gives in our times of struggle. There are no loopholes or shortcuts in the waiting on God times! We must do it obediently as He requires keeping all diligence and faith in Him, keeping our inextinguishable fire of hope alive and burning… no matter what the situation looks like to our mortal eye. Do not lose hope, wait upon Him… He will show up! And He will be all that He as promised... Just as He was the Promised Messiah.. He will be whatever is promised to you!