Saturday, November 2, 2013

Trusting With My ALL..even when "sea billows roll".

It is well? We sing the song and have heard the story of how it was written, and think it to be such a beautiful anatomy of trusting completely, yet when a little storm comes our way we often react with fear and doubt.  At times when I have seen the storm coming, I have retreated into my own little world of thought as though I was my own God trying to figure out a way to protect myself.  It seems I trust my own ways more than His, even when I know I can't make it without Him. How human we are!
Proverbs 3: 5-6 is a scripture we can all quote in our sleep, but can't seem to remember when the sea billows roll!  Trust in the Lord WITH ALL your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In ALL YOUR WAYS acknowledge HIM, and He will direct your path.  Key words being WITH ALL and IN ALL!

I am convinced that the reason for lack of trust in God results from not exercising it in the small things!  If we are only calling on HIM when in trouble, therein lies the reason for our trust issues.  We cannot have a relationship where trust is not cultivated. Daily communion with the One in whom we should place our trust, cultivates love, without which we cannot have trust. It is not that hard to set aside time each day to spend on our relationship with God, yet we often put it off, denying Him that communion. Is it that we are lazy, undisciplined or do not have our priorities straight? We must overcome the temptation to put God last in our life.  There must be a daily focus on Him.

There is a reason Paul gives us an example to die daily.  We must decrease in order for there to be room for HIS increase or direction.  If I do not maintain a relationship with God outside of asking Him to supply my own needs, I will never learn to trust Him with my all. If I do not give Him my ALL, but keep bits and pieces of trust in my own strength, then I will never experience what it is like to fully trust HIM!

His strength is only realized when we acknowledge our own weakness.  When we finally stop trying to figure things out on our own, acknowledging that HE is our source of strength, our only hope for rescue, then He can freely direct our path. If we keep depending on our own resources, we are not giving God ALL of our heart.  God is wanting to perfect that which concerns us, but with our hands and thoughts and ways continually getting in His way, we will constantly be left with imperfect outcomes.  The sooner we learn that, the quicker we are on the road to fully trusting with ALL!  Once we conquer trusting Him with our ALL, there is no end to the joy and peace that we will enjoy on a daily basis. The peace which passes all understanding comes when we quit having to try to understand Him because without hesitation, we trust Him.  His ways are higher than we can ever comprehend! He sees the whole picture, the before and after of the storm and He knows what is best for us in the middle of that same storm!

I have learned when the storm lingers and the waves crash, and it's dark and scary, I may not be able to stop the moments of fear from coming, but I don't have to allow them to roar into a full blown panic attack. I must walk in faith. If I entertain the questions pounding my mind, they will eventually literally shut down my trust in God.  He is our maker, our savior, so if we truly trust Him, we must allow Him to do whatever He so chooses, and not let HIS outcome become our biggest question!  We must stop allowing the questions of life to weigh us down, to slow us on our journey toward His intended purpose. Just keep walking on against the winds of question, knowing that your all-knowing all- seeing God is holding your hand and leading you into what is best for you.

 What on earth is a sea billow? It is defined as a swelling or surging mass.  When the sea swells, when all hell threatens to break loose!  A tsunami,  so to speak! When sorrow upon sorrow, storm upon storm, the hail, the winds, the rain, the fog all assail you at once would be a sea billow. When wave upon wave threatens your destruction and you cannot see your hand in front of you, much less hear the voice of God, those are the tsunami's of life.  It is during those times that you must exercise blinding trust. When you cannot hear His voice, you must still know He is there. Trust Him with ALL your heart!  He will do what is best concerning you! It is only when you break that trust that you find yourself going in the wrong direction.  It is He that must direct our path! He knows the way you should take! Trust His plan even when the outcome is not to our liking or understanding  He is always working all things for our good.

 "Whatever the course, thou has taught me to say...It is well with my soul!" Let the words of this song fill your heart. When question assaults the fibers of your faith, shake them off.  Read His Word, quote it, sing of His faithfulness. Keep walking on, no matter the force of the storm! "I trust you Lord, with my ALL!  Even when I cannot see one step ahead, I will trust that you are still going to bless, keep and deliver that which I commit into your most capable hands."

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