Monday, February 23, 2009

Reflection and Emotion

Just sitting here contemplating on all that has transpired in my life during the last few weeks and feeling somewhat overwhelmed with emotion! I feel excited about some things, blessed on many levels, fearful on one level, happy on another level, and extremely sad on another level... all at the same time... whew! What a bipolar attack of emotions I am having! In it all I can say "God is good, He is faithful, and His mercy is fresh and new every morning!" I am so glad I am a child of God. Many people I have met in the last few weeks cannot say that they are happy to be a child of the parents they came from. Thankfully, I can say I am, and so glad my parents and entire family taught me from birth that I was also a Child of the King who was my Heavenly Father as well! I am so blessed to say that every single person in my family, my in laws and extended family including cousins, aunts, uncles, all know the truth and have been baptized in Jesus' name. That is an unbelievable statement I know, and I am very thankful for it. What if I had never been told? What if I was born into a family who never knew about God or told me of His love for me? What if today I was one of the missing? I realize how extremely blessed I am today that I have never experienced living where my world was only sinful. I have no clue about a world controlled by sinful lusts... but I pray, God don't let my blessing become my curse. Don't let me be blind to the life that others lead, not by their own choices, but because of choices others made for them. Let my blessed life lead me to others and show them that they can change their course, that they too can experience this blessed and protected life that I have been given. God help me be so grateful that I can do nothing less than be a light to show some hurting man or woman this wonderful protected life and how to obtain it for themselves. Lead me to someone I can lead to you. Thank you God for my life and for placing me with the family you chose for me. Let me never forget how very blessed I am. And may my life be a constant voice of worship unto you for all that you have done for me.

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