Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Field of Wrong

"Root them out, Get them gone!
All the naughty bunnies
In the field of wrong.
All the naughty bunnies in my heart shall not abide!"

I learned this little song so many years ago, I can't even remember when or where. Most likely Sunday School!  It speaks to me often whenever a root of bitterness starts to spring up.  There are even hand-signs to go with it, and I laugh at myself because I can't help but use them while I am singing!  It's a cute little song, but carries a powerful meaning!
You may ask what in the world does this have to do with insecurity? It's not pretty, and this isn't one of the blogs I've enjoyed writing because I am going to plow deep into my own experience.  I hate plowing, but it is necessary for my growth and fulfillment!  If insecurity goes unfettered, unchecked, and you are not trying to overcome, before you even realize it you will be standing in a whole field of "wrong"!  We all must deal with the hateful little bunnies hopping around in our heart! 
 Jealousy is one of the worst.  To say it is as cruel as the grave, is the most accurate description of it, for where jealousy is allowed to stay, relationships are killed.  It is the enemy to family, marriage, and friendships.  It starts with a little root of insecurity, and it grows to full blown hate if not dealt with.  It justifies itself and has an alibi for every hateful fiery dart it secretly sends. 
Jealousy is deceitful. People who are jealous of you, when confronted, will make you think you are imagining insults. There is very little hard proof of jealousy, until it's too late.  The destruction it leaves in its path is often never repaired.  And it breeds more of the same. If jealousy is in your heart toward another, it will cause you to react in hateful ways that you did not even know you were capable of. It is contagious. It can spread like wildfire if it is successful in its deceit.  The most insecure people are often the carriers of it.  A little spiteful word here, a white lie there can plant seeds of doubt about people you genuinely love and respect.  The insecure person is deceived into thinking these little fiery darts are drawing you closer to them and away from the person who is the target, but we must recognize and stop it before it does permanent damage. Do not play into anothers jealous rages or you too will experience the destruction of it. Jealousy tears down everything. I have had it try to take root in my heart, and I have also been the target of it. I do not want any part of either.   If we are honest we will admit to this day there are people who you and I should be friends with, whom we love and have much in common with, but either on our part or theirs, jealousy has been allowed to damage our relationship to the point where it is completely broken. Once a certain level of hurt has been dealt by the jealous hand, it is next to impossible to restore trust. Sadly, unbridled insecurity was the root of it all. Root it out!  Get it gone! Plow deep!
Malice is it's sibling! None of us would ever admit to being malicious, but we have all done malicious deeds and we have been bullied by people full of malice.  It is a ugly hole, of which no child of God should be a part.  We have all been told that if we challenge a bully he will back down.  Not always so!  There are mean malicious people who are intent on stepping on anyone in their path.  People will do practically anything to make sure they are not overshadowed. Insecurity is dangerous! If you allow it to grow in your heart, you will end up being someone to avoid at all cost. If God does not intervene there is little that can stop the vengeance that is bred in the field of an insecure heart.  Malice is a desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, and I will add in the mind of another.  Us "christian folk" like to say we would never be so evil,  however let someone's name be mentioned whom we may feel a little threatened by, or who annoys us, or who may be getting a bit more attention and we are quick to roll our eyes, sneer, or make a spiteful remark about them.  We have just tried to plant malice in the heart of another.  The heart is deceitfully wicked. Who can know it?  Pull it up by the roots!  Get it out!
Envy is the triplet of jealousy and malice. It can sneak up so quickly that you don't even recognize it in your own heart.  If you have been feeling a little spiteful toward someone, check your heart for envy. The dictionary defines envy as a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to the advantages, success, possessions of others. We understand envy with regard to possessions, and freely admit we struggle with that level of envy. However, to admit you are envious toward another because of their success or advantages, well, that just makes us sound mean! Yep... even malicious!  If you are not secure in your own abilities, it is most likely that envy is a nemesis around your neck.  If you can ever conquer envy and learn to be happy and celebrate others successes, you will be able to walk in joy!  To share in the accomplishments and advantages of others does not diminish you in any way. In fact, quite the opposite. It adds to you.  Their advantages and connections can be used to multiply you  as well unless you have allowed envy to become malicious jealousy which destroyed any hope for the relationship.  Celebrate others joys so that when your joy is full they will rejoice with you as well!
Pride... yuck! Some of the most insecure people in the world are the most boastful prideful people! We all know those who are so hung up on themselves that they cannot have a conversation without self promoting.  If you will watch and learn, you will soon recognize  that the boastful prideful spirit is born of deep insecurity.  These people are their own worst enemy and sadly they probably won't ever be quiet enough to listen, recognize or strive for improvement! There is also pride on another level born of deep hidden insecurity in those of us who try to appear as if we never have anything go wrong in our lives, who refuse to show our "stuff" so to speak.  Don't let us fool you; we have baggage upon baggage!  We are so full of pride we can't risk being seen failing forward. 
 How will anyone ever learn from you?  How will you ever progress?
 It can easily be said by me that this has been the naughty bunny that I have had to overcome!  Yeah, it's a little embarrassing to admit it, and I feel like I just got burned by a hot iron by sharing, but it's the truth, and I promised deep plowing!  So there ya go! You know my ugly secret... but I am not alone! There are others struggling with this level of pride and self indulgence! It is a selfish and "all about me" level to stoop to and very difficult to overcome. I have really, really really wanted everyone to think I had it all together! When things went wrong, I was left with no option but retreat because I had not left any possibility for anything else! I would retreat into my world of failure, till I could recoup my losses. During this time of retreat, I pity any who tried to enter my bear cave!  I would react harshly to scare everyone off because I would rather them see my hatefulness than my failure!  This is an entire new level of mistrust. I just read this to my husband and he said "Are you sure you want to say that about yourself?" Ha Ha!  If sharing my failings and weakness, in so blatantly honest a manner, will help someone else recognize their own insecurity and deal with it...  then yes!  It's ok for me to share! If I can't be transparent my entire point and God's plan for this is lost!  He can take what's wrong and make it right!  I trust HIM!  He has been my deliverer!  He has been my mirror! He has shown me myself and has helped me to overcome in my field of wrong! He has shown me that reaching out to others is the only possible way out of this particular field. I stand before you today saying... "I have overcome!" I won't say I have won yet, because I know I have alot of room for improvement but I am confident that Christ will complete that in me which was begun if I will keep reaching for others.  He has plowed and planted in me and has shown me where I need to change.  He has remade my stony heart into a much more pliable one!  He has been the potter, and I was the ugly clay!  He is molding and making me into all that He has planned for me to become!  I still have a long way to go, but I am moving forward! I am diligently seeking His guidance, and His word promises that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him!
      "Lord, I pray that you continually reveal what needs to be changed in me so that I may be an effectual child of God. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.  I desire to be a vessel that you can flow through. I want to be clean and pure in your sight. I want to be willing, able, and ready when you call on me in a moments notice to help those who walk with me on this journey of discovery!"
We are overcomers!  We will plow deep, clean out our field of wrong, and be a recipient of all the fullness of HIS JOY! 


Judy Gandy said...

Ok! That's it! I'm posting your blog site to
My FB! Everyone needs this stuff! It's AWESOME!

Unknown said...

Awww! Thank you so much Sis. Gandy! There is no other validation I will ever need! You have made my heart happy!