Saturday, February 2, 2013

Overcoming Insecurity!

   The Why!           For explanation of "The Why" I refer to myself.
    In future blogs it will be all about the One who I allow to set me free from my insecurities! 
Jesus Christ, my Rock my Salvation, my Vine!

For many years I have known that God was instructing and propelling me to write, not for my own gain on any level, but simply because He chose me. I have been very hesitant (ha – insecure!) because I was so inhibited by my own need for validation or approval from people. One day not long ago in prayer, it finally dawned on me that people are not calling me. God is calling me. People are not needing me. God is wanting to flow through me. People are not using me. God is using me. What more validation could I ask for? The usual suspects voice their opinions in my head, telling me - “People will wonder who in the world you think you are.” “People will think... !"… and on and on! Well, there you have it! It is what it is. I am doing that thing which God has asked of me… and let the critics fall where they may! I believe everyone hears these voices when they begin to do something effective for Christ! “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13

       Almost daily I pray this prayer because I need to hear His promises spoken through my own
 “Lord, You are the author and finisher of my faith.
  In you I live and move and have my being.
Without you is not anything done that is done.
          But I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me!”
This prayer combines parts of a few of my favorite scriptures
and it equips me to do what I must for each day. It covers ALL!

So the “WHY?” is because we must overcome. We must conquer our insecurities, our low self-esteem. No matter how it got there, or what life events have contributed to our fears, we are to be overcomers. By the word of our testimony and the Blood of the Lamb, we are equipped. (Rev. 12:11) If we cannot climb over these little hurdles, how do we expect to bring salvation to others in ALL the fullness of life that God has available? We must be actively walking in joy. No one who is steeping in insecurity or fear of failure is walking in joy! He wants us to walk in freedom! Freely and actively pursuing the blessings of life and the successes that He wants to place in our hands! Our flesh gets really comfortable just sitting on its laurels doing nothing productive, nothing to reach out or help others. We must daily die out to this selfish nature.

He made us to be productive entities who show growth and are fruitful and who multiply! You see… He is the vine and we are the branches. The branch grows the way the vine dictates that it should, unless something outside gets in the way and hinders the process. Let the VINE be in charge and when the briars and brambles try to grow around you and squeeze out the very life blood flowing from the vine, you must prune, and untangle yourself! The only way to untangle yourself from the briars is by the pruning of prayer! Simple prayer is the key to it all! Prayer must work with a willingness to proceed though. If you will just ask God to help you overcome and do that thing which you picture self accomplishing in VICTORY and FULFILLMENT, HE WILL DO IT! He has already equipped you if you are picturing yourself doing something! He expects you to multiply the gifts He has equipped you with. Maybe the gift itself seems so insignificant and weak to you because you do not realize the full extent of all that God wants to do through you! He doesn’t have to reveal the tomorrows of our gifts to us. He alone sees tomorrows! It is today that He is calling you! He equipped you yesterday! He needs your today though. He needs you to be WILLING today to be fruitful!

If you are actively growing and being fruitful, the briars will not have opportunity to entangle you. The “I Can’t” fox is always close by looking for a surprise attack! Be vigilant! Don’t give him opportunity to catch you! Be ye strong in the Lord and in the power of His Might!
        John 15:5 -“I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in Him,
                            the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing!”
Ahhh… In HIM I live and move and have my being! YOU CAN do all things, because CHRIST HIMSELF wants to abide in you and strengthen you to do it!

  • Every attempt has been made to keep the content of this blog in its entirety originally written material by Lori Maxwell solely. Great length has been taken to avoid any copyright enfringement.  No direct quotes have been used, other than from the biblical references, without express permission and any which seem to be so are purely coincidental.

1 comment:

Lori Green said...

I'm SO glad I get to see the beginning stages of this! I'm SO glad I get to be a part of the process!
I BELIEVE this is ONLY the BEGINNING of something bigger. I WILL be using some of this for my Higher Ground session - "God and Your Gift". Love the material! Love the southern slang. I had to google the word BRAMBLE, thanks for expanding my vocabulary!